Sonia Dea Octalia ♥

10 Oktober 2013


Kemarin ku lihat awan membentuk wajahmuDesau angin meniupkan namamuTubuhku terpakuSemalam bulan sabit melengkungkan senyummuTabur bintang serupa kilau auramuAku pun sadari, ku segera berlariCepat pulang, cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagiFirasatku ingin kau tuk cepat pulangCepat kembali, jangan pergi lagiAlirnya bagai sungai yang mendamba samuderaKu tahu pasti kemana kan ku bermuaraSemoga ada waktu (sayangku) sayangkuKu percaya alam pun berbahasaAda makna di balik semua pertandaFirasat ini rasa rindukah ataukah tanda bahayaAku tak peduli, ku terus berlariCepat pulang (cepat pulang), cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagiFirasatku ingin kau tuk cepat pulang (cepat pulang)Cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagiDan lihatlah sayang (lihatlah)Hujan terus membasahi seolah luber air mata(cepat pulang, cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagi(firasatku) ingin kau tuk cepat pulang(cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagi) ku hanya ingin kau kembali(firasatku ingin kau tuk cepat pulang) pulang(cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagi)Aku pun sadariKau takkan kembali lagi


Telah lama ku tahu engkauPunya rasa untukkuKini saat dia tak kembaliKau nyatakan cinramuNamun aku takkan pernah bisa, kuTakkan pernah merasaRasakan cinta yang kau beriKu terjebak di ruang nostalgiaSemua yang ku rasa kiniTak berubah sejak dia pergiMaafkanlah ku hanya ingin sendiri ku di siniNamun aku takkan pernah bisa, kuTakkan pernah merasaRasakan cinta yang kau beriKu terjebak di ruang nostalgiaTakkan pernah merasaRasakan cinta yang kau beriKu terjebak di ruang nostalgia

Serba salah

Harus ku akui semuanya telah berbedaLelah menjalani semua serba salahApalagi salahku, apalagi salahmu, ku tak mengertiApalagi salahku, apalagi salahmu, apalagiSudah lupakan segala cerita antara kitaKu tak ingin, ku tak ingin, ku tak inginKu terluka karena cinta, karana cintaLelah menjalani semua serba salahApalagi salahku, apalagi salahmu, ku tak mengertiApalagi salahku, dan apalagi salahmu, apalagiSudah lupakan segala cerita antara kitaKu tak ingin, ku tak ingin, ku tak ingin kau terluka karena cintaBukan karena rasa itu tlah sirna, maafkanlahKu hanya tak ingin, ku tak ingin, ku tak ingin ku terluka karena cintaOh bukan ku tak berharap kembali padamuTapi pahami ku tak ingin, ku tak ingin terluka yeah yeah yeahSudah lupakan segala cerita antara kitaKu tak ingin, ku tak ingin, ku tak ingin kau terluka karena cintaDan bukan karena rasa itu tlah sirna, maafkanlahKu hanya tak ingin, ku tak ingin, ku tak ingin ku terluka karena cinta(tak ingin, tak ingin, tak ingin kau terluka)(tak ingin, tak ingin, tak ingin ku terluka) lupakanlah semuanya(tak ingin, tak ingin, tak ingin kau terluka) ku tak ingin kau terluka karena cinta(tak ingin, tak ingin, tak ingin kau terluka)(tak ingin, tak ingin, tak ingin ku terluka) tak ingin kau terluka(tak ingin, tak ingin, tak ingin kau terluka)


Dahulu ku bermimpiKisah cinta abadi bersamamuTernyata semua berakhirTak seperti yang ku harapkanBaru ku mengerti ku sadariReff:Oh ku tak sendiriPancaran sinar mentariMenemani tiada hentiOh dan tak ku sesaliTlah ku lupakan dirimuTak mengapa, aku melangkahSendiri dapat ku jalaniTernyata semua berakhirTak seperti yang ku harapkanBaru ku mengerti ku sadariBack to reffPernah ku terhanyut dalam sepiNamun ku berani melangkah pastiTanpa dirimuBack to reff [2x]Sendiri dapat ku jalaniSendiri dapat ku jalani


Kau datang dan jantungku berdegup kencangKau buatku terbang melayangTiada ku sangka getaran ini adaSaat jumpa yang pertamaMataku tak dapat terlepas darimuPerhatikan setiap tingkahmuTertawa pada setiap candamuSaat jumpa yang pertamaCould it be love, could it be loveCould it be, could it be, could it be loveCould it be love, could it be loveCould this be something that i never hadCould it be loveMataku tak dapat terlepas darimuPerhatikan setiap tingkahmuTertawa pada setiap candamuSaat jumpa yang pertamaCould it be love, could it be loveCould it be, could it be, could it be loveCould it be love, could it be loveCould this be something that i never hadCould it be love, could it be loveCould it be, could it be, could it be loveCould it be love, could it be loveCould this be something that i never hadOh mungkinkah ini cintaCould it be love, could it be loveCould it be, could it be, could it be loveCould it be love, could it be loveCould this be something that i never hadCould it be love, could it be loveCould it be, could it be, could it be loveCould it be love, could it be loveCould this be something that i never had

Satu senyuman

Melihatmu hari ini kawanAda apa dengan kamu temanLupakan mereka yang tak mengerti kitaLupakan kepalsuan dan kebencian yang adaKawan, mari bersama hidupkan mimpi-mimpiOh kawan lupakan saja galau di hatimuOh kawan, ikuti aku arungi hari-hariOh kawan, berikan aku satu senyuman tuk warnai duniaTak perlu ragu raguJalani hari ini penuh percaya diriPercayalah padakuDi dalam dunia ini semua bisa bersaingLupakan mereka yang tak mengerti kitaLupakan kepalsuan dan kebencian yang adaKawan, mari bersama hidupkan mimpi-mimpiOh kawan lupakan saja galau di hatimuOh kawan, ikuti aku arungi hari-hariOh kawan, berikan aku satu senyuman tuk warnai duniaOh kawan, mari bersama hidupkan mimpi-mimpiOh kawan lupakan saja galau di hatimuOh kawan (listen up, you have to believe)Hanya satu senyuman bisa membuatOh kawan (semua yang mengganggu hatimu harimu hidupmu)Lupakanlah semuaKawan, mari bersama hidupkan mimpi-mimpiOh kawan lupakan saja galau di hatimuOh kawan, ikuti aku arungi hari-hariOh kawan, berikan aku satu senyuman tuk warnai duniaSatu senyumanSatu senyumanSatu senyumanSatu senyuman


Saat ada satu tantangan yang baruYang terasa berat dan kau tak mampuSaat kamu takut untuk menghadapiTarik nafasmu dan mulai yakiniApapun yang akan terjadiYang terjadi harus dilaluiJangan ragu melangkah bersama kita bisaMenjadi yang terhebat dari semua yang lainJangan ragu melangkah bersama kita bisaMenjadi yang terbaik dari kisah yang hebatKita pasti bisaSaat ada satu tantangan yang baruYang terasa berat dan kau tak mampuSaat kamu takut untuk menghadapiTarik nafasmu dan mulai yakiniApapun yang akan terjadiYang terjadi harus dilaluiJangan ragu melangkah bersama kita bisaMenjadi yang terhebat dari semua yang lainJangan ragu melangkah bersama kita bisaMenjadi yang terbaik dari kisah yang hebatKita pasti bisaJangan ragu melangkah bersama kita bisaMenjadi yang terhebat dari semua yang lainJangan ragu melangkah bersama kita bisaMenjadi yang terbaik dari kisah yang hebatKita pasti bisa


Kok bisa senyumanmu membuat aku gelisah tak menentuPagi, siang, sore, malam aku pasti rinduKu ingin ketemu kamuSetiap di dekatmu gugup aku keringat dingin gituPagi, siang, sore, malam aku ingat kamuMalu aduh ku maluKu tak tahu harus apaRasa ini terlalu gilaWalau ku ingat kata-kata mamaAnak kecil belum boleh pacaran ya!Cantiknya cantiknya aku tergila-gilaUnyunya, unyunya kau buat aku gilaOh mama, oh papa, aku harus apaSembuhkanlah aku dari demam unyu-unyuCantiknya cantiknya aku tergila-gilaUnyunya, unyunya kau buat aku gilaOh mama, oh papa, aku harus apaSembuhkanlah aku dari demam unyu-unyuKok bisa senyumanmu membuat aku gelisah tak menentuPagi, siang, sore, malam aku pasti rinduKu ingin ketemu kamuSetiap di dekatmu gugup aku keringat dingin gituPagi, siang, sore, malam aku ingat kamuMalu aduh ku maluKu tak tahu harus apaRasa ini terlalu gilaWalau ku ingat kata-kata mama(Anak kecil belum boleh pacaran ya!Cantiknya cantiknya aku tergila-gilaUnyunya, unyunya kau buat aku gilaOh mama, oh papa, aku harus apaSembuhkanlah aku dari demam unyu-unyuCantiknya cantiknya aku tergila-gilaUnyunya, unyunya kau buat aku gilaOh mama, oh papa, aku harus apaSembuhkanlah aku dari demam unyu-unyuBangun, Mandi, makan, tidur sampai bangun lagiAku pasti hanya ingat kamuSenyummu, sapamu, matamu, cantikmuSemua tentangmu unyu-unyuCantiknya cantiknya aku tergila-gilaUnyunya, unyunya kau buat aku gilaOh mama, oh papa, aku harus apaSembuhkanlah aku dari demam unyu-unyu


Jangan bilang kalau kamu jagoanKalau bisanya cuman badung doangJangan bilang kalau kamu jagoanKalau bisanya usil dan kroyokanJangan bilang kalau kita pengecutKalau kita nggak suka tawuranJangan bilang kita ini basi basiKalau kita perna adu pintarYang disebut waktu bukanlahSaling ajak manfaatBila kau hidup saling berbagikau kaya dan sayang duniaAku pengen kayak jendral kancilJagoan pintar punya akal segudangSuka menolong temanwalau kadang dia yang sialAku pengin kaya jendral kancilkalau ada musuhDia yang selalu dilibatJurus andalannya berkelahi pakai akalJangan bilang kalau kamu jagoanKalau bisanya cuman badung doangJangan bilang kalau kamu jagoanKalau bisanya usil dan kroyokanJangan bilang kalau kita pengecutKalau kita nggak suka tawuranJangan bilang kita ini basi basiKalau kita menang adu pintarYang disebut waktu bukanlahSaling ajak manfaatBila kau hidup tak mau berbagiKau kaya dan sayang duniaAku pengen kayak jendral kancilJagoan pintar punya akal segudangSuka menolong teman walau kadang dia yang sialAku pengen kaya jendral kancilkalau ada musuh Dia yang selalu dilibatJurus andalannya berkelahi pakai akalJangan bilang kalau kamu jagoanKalau bisanya usil dan KroyokanAku pengin kaya jendral kancilJendral kancil jendral kancilAku pengen kayak jendral kancilJendral kancil jendral kancilAku pengen kayak jendral kancil jendral kancilAku pengen kayak jendral kancil jendral kancilAku pengen kayak jendral kancil jendral kancilAku pengen kayak jendral kancil


Mendekatlah tunas bangsa, marilah kita bersamaSiapkan diri menyambut hari baruSingsingkan lengan bajumu, satukan derap langkahmuWujudkan harapan, raih cita-citaTunjukkan pada dunia, bersatu walau kita berbedaBagaikan elang melintasi cakrawalaTerbang rentangkan sayapmu, jangan pernah ada raguSatukan semua tekadmu meraih impianTerbang kepakkan sayapmu, jangan pernah ada raguBersama kita pasti bisa taklukkan duniaSingsingkan lengan bajumu, satukan derap langkahmuWujudkan harapan, raih cita-citaTunjukkan pada dunia, bersatu walau kita berbedaBagaikan elang melintasi cakrawalaTerbang rentangkan sayapmu, jangan pernah ada raguSatukan semua tekadmu meraih impianTerbang kepakkan sayapmu, jangan pernah ada raguBersama kita pasti bisa taklukkan duniaTunjukkan pada dunia, bersatu walau kita berbedaBagaikan elang melintasi cakrawalaTerbang rentangkan sayapmu, jangan pernah ada raguSatukan semua tekadmu meraih impianTerbang kepakkan sayapmu, jangan pernah ada raguBersama kita pasti bisa taklukkan dunia


Kamu aku kita semua pastinyaPernah punya cita yang luar biasaKamu aku kita semua pastinyaPernah mencoba walau tak yakin kita bisaTapi manusia terciptaUntuk mencipta yang luar biasaDari yang terlihat tak bisaCita kita akan terwujudkanAyo kita terus berlari, berlari terus tanpa hentiHingga tergapai pasti semua mimpi mimpiAyo kita terus berlari, berlari terus tanpa hentiHingga tercapai semua yang t'lah kau yakiniKamu aku kita semua pastinyaPernah punya cita yang luar biasaKamu aku kita semua pastinyaPernah mencoba walau tak yakin kita bisaTapi manusia terciptaUntuk mencipta yang luar biasaDari yang terlihat tak bisaCita kita akan terwujudkanAyo kita terus berlari, berlari terus tanpa hentiHingga tergapai pasti semua mimpi mimpiAyo kita terus berlari, berlari terus tanpa hentiHingga tercapai semua yang t'lah kau yakiniAyo kita terus berlari, berlari terus tanpa hentiHingga tergapai pasti semua mimpi mimpiAyo kita terus berlari, berlari terus tanpa hentiHingga tercapai semua yang t'lah kau yakiniAyo kita terus berlari, berlari terus tanpa hentiHingga tergapai pasti semua mimpi mimpiAyo kita terus berlari, berlari terus tanpa hentiHingga tercapai semua yang t'lah kau yakini


Kamu buat aku tersipu buatku malu-maluSaat bersamamu, saat ku sapa dirimuAku kok merinding buluku, kok jadi gugup akuSaat bersamamu, saat kau senyum padakuMungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinyaSejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapaMungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertamaSenyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug meluluNanti aku follow twitter-mu aku tunggu retweet-muAgar aku tahu sukakah kamu kepadakuMungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinyaSejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapaMungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertamaSenyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug meluluYeah cuma kamu cuma kamu yang bisa membuatkuTidur tak tentu memikirkanmu pujaan hatiOh kamu cantik sekaliOh tuhan aku hanya ingin dia tahuKau lucu kau sangat lucuMungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinyaSejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa nomermu berapaMungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertamaSenyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug meluluMungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinyaSejak pertama (sejak pertama) aku bertanya(kulihat senyumanmu lirikanmu begitu cantiknya kamu)Facebook-mu apa nomermu berapaMungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertamaSenyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug meluluKamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamuKamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu


Hey kawanPasti kau dan aku sama, sama-sama punya takutTakut tuk mencoba dan gagal, tapiHey kawanPasti kau dan aku sama, sama-sama punya mimpiMimpi tuk menjadi berarti karenaHarus kita taklukan, bersama lawan rintanganTuk jadikan dunia ini lebih indahTak perlu tunggu hebat(Untuk berani memulai apa yang kau impikan)Hanya perlu memulai (untuk menjadi hebat raih yang kau impikan)Seperti singa yang menerjang semua rintangan tanpa rasa takutYakini bahwa kamu kamu kamu kamu terhebatHey kawanPasti kau dan aku sama, sama-sama punya takutTakut tuk mencoba dan gagal, tapiHey kawanPasti kau dan aku sama, sama-sama punya mimpiMimpi tuk menjadi berarti karenaHarus kita taklukan, bersama lawan rintanganTuk jadikan dunia ini lebih indahTak perlu tunggu hebat(Untuk berani memulai apa yang kau impikan)Hanya perlu memulai (untuk menjadi hebat raih yang kau impikan)Seperti singa yang menerjang semua rintangan tanpa rasa takutYakini bahwa kamu kamu kamu kamu terhebatCoba cobalah mari kita pasti bisa taklukan dunia dengan mimpi kitaMari berbagi mari bermimpi bersama kita disiniYakini kau pasti bisaIts CJR in the heartDan membuatmu percayaKamu terhebat seperti singaTak perlu tunggu hebat(Untuk berani memulai apa yang kau impikan)Hanya perlu memulai(Untuk menjadi hebat raih yang kau impikan)Seperti singa yang menerjangSemua rintangan tanpa rasa takutYakini bahwa (kamu hebat seperti singa)Tak perlu tunggu hebat(Untuk berani memulai apa yang kau impikan)Hanya perlu memulai(Untuk menjadi hebat raih yang kau impikan)Seperti singa yang menerjangSemua rintangan tanpa rasa takutYakini bahwa kamu kamu kamu kamu terhebat


Satu hal yang terindah untukkuKau ada di dalam hidupkuKau anugrah terhebat untukkuAku ada karna cintamuTiada pernah kau lelah untukkuSenyummu slalu menemanikuWalau aku suka semaukuDan terkadang kecewakanmuKu tau . .Mama, I think you for your love in meMama, jangan pernah worry worryMama, ku nggak akan nakal lagiMama, ku sayang kamuSatu hal yang terindah untukkuKau ada di dalam hidupkuWalau aku suka semaukuDan terkadang kecewakanmuKu tau . .Tak ada cinta di dunia yang lebih baikTak ada cinta di dunia yang lebih indahTak ada cinta di dunia yang lebih hebatSelain cinta dari dirimuMama, I think you for your love in meMama, jangan pernah worry worryMama, ku nggak akan nakal lagiMama, ku sayang kamuMama, I think you for your love in meMama, jangan pernah worry worryMama, ku nggak akan nakal lagiMama, ku sayang kamuMama, I think you for your love in meMama, jangan pernah worry worryMama, ku nggak akan nakal lagiMama, ku sayang kamu


Ah ah ah ah akhirnya kudapat juga Ah ah ah ah nemu pin BB si dia Ah ah ah ah kita pun saling bicara Ah ah ah ah dunia seakan milik berdua.. Kita bercanda dan tertawa Kau buat aku bahagia dan entah mengapa tiba-tiba berbeda Kenapa D lagi D lagi D lagi kok nggak RR RR Kenapa D lagi D lagi D lagi kok nggak RR RRKenapa tiba tiba tiba tiba kamu berbeda beda Apakah ada yang salah dari apa yang kubilang Oh oh mengapa… Ah ah ah ah akhirnya kudapat juga Ah ah ah ah nemu pin BB si dia Ah ah ah ah kita pun saling bicara Ah ah ah ah dunia seakan milik berdua Kita bercanda dan tertawa Kau buat aku bahagia dan entah mengapa tiba-tiba berbeda Kenapa D lagi D lagi D lagi kok nggak RR RR Kenapa D lagi D lagi D lagi kok nggak RR RRKenapa tiba tiba tiba tiba kamu berbeda beda Apakah ada yang salah dari apa yang kubilang Blogadexme Oh oh mengapa… Jika bisa kuputar waktu takkan ku ping ping kamu melulu Berikanlah aku kesempatan untuk menjawab BB ku Kenapa D lagi D lagi D lagi kok nggak RR RR Kenapa D lagi D lagi D lagi kok nggak RR RR Kenapa D lagi D lagi D lagi kok nggak RR RR Kenapa D lagi D lagi D lagi kok nggak RR RR Kenapa tiba tiba tiba kamu berbeda bedaApakah ada yang salah dari apa yang kubilang Oh oh mengapa… Kenapa mengapa kenapa mengapa kenapa mengapa Kenapa mengapa kenapa mengapa kenapa mengapa Kenapa mengapa kenapa .. mengapaa .. Oh oh mengapa..


Hei kamu hatiku dag dig dugSaat aku melihatmu jatuh di hadapanku Membuat aku buru-buru mendekatimuLangsung ku tanyakan apa kau baik-baik sajaKau bingung, ”memang aku jatuh darimana?”Kau bidadari jatuh dari surga di hadapanku eeeaaKau bidadari jatuh dari surga tepat di hatiku eeeaaSo baby please be mine, please be mine oh mine eeeaaKarena hanya aku sang pangeran impianmuEeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaaHei kamu hatiku dag dig dug Saat aku melihatmu, ku tarik panjang nafaskuMantapkan langkahku untuk mendekatimuLangsung ku tanya maukah kamu jadi pacarkuKau bingung, ”kenapa kamu suka sama aku?” (jawabannya)Kau bidadari jatuh dari surga di hadapanku eeeaaKau bidadari jatuh dari surga tepat di hatiku eeeaaSo baby please be mine, please be mine oh mine eeeaaKarena hanya aku sang pangeran impianmuEeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaaAndai kamu jadi gula, aku pasti semutnyaKan ku seberangi lautan samuderaHei hei baru kali ini aku jadi galau giniCepat terima aku, cinta pertamakuKau bidadari jatuh dari surga di hadapanku(baby please be mine, eeeaa, baby please be mine)Kau bidadari jatuh dari surga, kau di hatiku(baby please be mine, eeeaa, baby please be mine)Kau bidadari jatuh dari surga di hadapanku eeeaaKau bidadari jatuh dari surga tepat di hatiku eeeaaSo baby please be mine, please be mine oh mine eeeaaKarena hanya aku sang pangeran impianmuEeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaaIni lagu gombal tuk dapetin kamuIni lagu gombal tuk dapetin kamu


Ada orang yang kan slalu menghina kitaAda orang yang tak kan pernah suka dengan kitaJangan kau jadi galau, tapi do'akan merekaYang terbaik hanya Tuhanlah yang tahuAda orang yang kan slalu coba jatuhkan kitaAda orang yang tak sejalan dengan mimpi kitaJangan kau sakit hati, ingat pepatah Om DeddySebelum kita mencoba tuk membenar benarkan sesuatuNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu dehAda orang yang kan slalu coba jatuhkan kitaAda orang yang tak sejalan dengan mimpi kitaJangan kau sakit hati, ingat pepatah Om DeddySebelum kita mencoba tuk membenar benarkan sesuatuNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu dehTak mungkin kita buat semua orang sukaYang penting jangan pernah ada sirik dihatimuManusia itu jauh dari sempurnaDan banyak kesalahanDan kita sebagai manusia Harus saling mengingatkan dengan cara yang baikDan kalau mengkritik orangNgaca dulu deh!Ngaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu deh, ngaca dulu dehNgaca dulu dehNgaca .. ngaca dulu dehNgaca .. ngaca dulu deh



Mom always said that books could take you to another worldBut I don't think that this is what she meant(This is what she meant)I'm shuttling thoughThese distant lands and ocean shoresDon't really know where I'll go nextCuz I've beenBrain ZappedLets go exploreBrain ZappedTo a whole new worldBrain ZappedCome be my guestBrain ZappedDon't know where I'll go nextMy mind is spinning aroundGot all this knowledgeJust wanna shout outGotta get itUnder controlCuz the light is greenAnd we're ready to goGoGoBrain ZappedLets go exploreBrain ZappedTo a whole new worldBrain ZappedCome be my guestBrain ZappedDon't know where I'll go next


My new boy used to be a modelHe looks way better than youHe looks way better than youMy new boy gets it how to get meHis love is deeper, you knowHe's a real keeper, you know, ohBang, bang, bang I'm breaking inStealing all my love back, giving it to himBang, bang, bang, this time I winI thought your love was all that,Til I let him inYou're gonna be the one [x4]That's mopingYou're gonna be the one [x2]When I'm out havin' funYou're gonna be the oneThat's brokenMy new boy knows the way I want itHe's got more swagger than youHe's got more swagger than you doMy new boy really likes to flaunt thisHe's not hiding me you knowHe's showing me off you knowBang, bang, bang I'm breaking inStealing all my love back, giving it to himBang, bang, bang, this time I winI thought your love was all that,Til I let him inYou're gonna be the one [x4]That's mopingYou're gonna be the one [x2]When I'm out havin' funYou're gonna be the oneThat's brokenI hope you slip and fall and tripAll over my heart and just lay there aloneYeah, you got what you wantedOn your hands and knees,Gasping for air, grasping for meBaby don't hold your breathI've moved on to the nextOn to the next one [x2]Bang, bang, bang I'm breaking inStealing all my love back, giving it to himBang, bang, bang, this time I winI thought your love was all that,Til I let him inYou're gonna be the one [x4]That's mopingYou're gonna be the one [x2]When I'm out havin' funYou're gonna be the oneThat's brokenBang, bang, bang I'm breaking inStealing all my love back, giving it to himBang, bang, bang, this time I winI thought your love was all that,Til I let him in


I was looking in the mirror, trying to find, a new reflection.Wanna take the road, less traveled in, a different direction.Make some new mistakes, forget the ones I made.Cry some tears of joy, and dress more like a boy.(Chorus)And come back as a blond, try a different lipstick on, as a blond, will I get whatever I want?Id be ever so incising, take a lot of icing, never have to watch my weight.Yeah when Im gone, Im gonna come back as a blond.I wanna I meet myself, as someone else, just to see what it feels like.Take a walk, on the other side, cause you know that I just might.Break some different hearts, finish what I start.Im not gonna wait, to mess around with fate.(Chorus)And come back as a blond, try a different lipstick on, as a blond, will I get whatever I want?Id be ever so incising, take a lot of icing, never have to watch my weight.Oh, when Im gone, Im gonna come back as a ...(Bridge)Im tainted, Im tired, of being the same, yeah.Im desperate, Im bored, Im begging for change.What if youre normal and wanna be strange?Come back, come back, come back.I wanna Come back, come back, come back...(Chorus)As a blond, try a different lipstick on, as a blond, will I get whatever I want?Id be ever so incising, take a lot of icing, never have to watch my weight.Oh... when Im gone, Im gonna come back as a blond.Wave my magic wand, as a blond, will I get whatever I want?Id be ever so incising, take a lot of icing, never need to wash my face.Yeah when Im gone, Im gonna...Come back, come back, come back. (I'm gonna come back)Come back, come back, come back. (I'm gonna come back)Come back, come back, come back.As a blond.

A wish

Sometimes i feel like i'm standing on a rockand you were on the opposite sideand sometimes i feel likei should grab you and pull you closerwhat should i do to make this dream come true(chorus) i will wish upon a star to make this dream come true (to make this dream come true)a wish upon a star is all i need to make you minea wish upon a star is all i needoh, a wish upon a starsometimes its hard to look away from youbut when i'm dreaming its so easycause when i'm dreaming you're always minesand this one time i dreamt that we were racingand than i saidI'll race you to the bottom of my heartCHORUS


(Round & Round)Round & RoundRound & RoundRound & RoundYou see me standing thereAnd act like you don't know meBut last night you were calling meSaying you want meOh why you always make me feelLike I'm the one that's crazyYou feel my heart racingMy my heart racing[Chorus:]Boy, I need you here with meWe can't go on this wayI'm falling hard for youAll I can sayWe're going round & roundWe're never gonna stop going round & roundWe'll never get where we're goingRound & roundWell you're gonna miss meCause I'm getting dizzy goingRound & round & roundYou come to pull me closeAnd whisper in my earYou always told me liesI've cried out all my tearsI brush my feelings to the sideBut then you bring them backBring them backNow you got me singing[Chorus]Love me or love me notI'm staring at the clockI pick them flower petals offAnd then I watch them drop [x2][Chorus]We're never gonna stop goingRound & roundWe'll never get where we're goingRound & roundWell you're gonna miss meCause I'm getting dizzy goingRound & round & roundUoh uoh uohUoh uoh uohUoh uoh uoh

I oromise

I know that my love for you is real,It's something true that we do,Just something natural that I feelWhen you walk in the room, when you're near,I feel my heart skip a beat,The whole world disappearsAnd there's just you and me,Falling head over feet,Let's take a chance together[Chorus]I know, I know, I know, I know,We're gonna make it,'Cause no one else can make me feelthe way that you do,(I promise you)And I know, I know, I know, I know,We're gonna get there,Today, tomorrow and foreverwe will stay true,(I promise you)They say that we're just too young to know,But I'm sure, heart and soulthat I am never letting you goWhen it's right, it's right, and this is it,'Cause I'm walking on airevery single time that we kissYou make the angels sing,You give that songbird wings,You make everything better[Chorus]I'll never let you down,I'll always hear you out,There is nothing you cannot confideYou listen when I speak,You make my knees go weak,And I just want you by my side[Chorus]We're gonna make it,(I promise you,Yeah yeah yeah),I promise you


I feel like i'm walking in the skyWoah, WoahYesterday tears were in my eyesWoah, WoahWhat a bad dayYeah, i've been there beforeBut, I keep my head upSo, I don't have those anymoreI made a choice to be the best that I could ever beGotta stay positive, Ignore the negativityGonna follow my intuitionTell myself to listenEverythings gonna be okayIt's gonna be a good dayOh, oh, oh, uh, oh, oh, ohhhUh, oh, ohhhIt's gonna be a good dayFollow my intuitionIt's gonna be a good dayI gotta go with what feels rightWoah, WoahDon't always need a reason whyWoah, WoahWhat's the problem?Compared to the weight of the worldQuit tryin' to please every man, woman, boy and girlBetter pick up the paceThere ain't no time to wasteTomorrows never promisedSo I started livin' for todayGonna follow my intuitionTell myself to listenEverythings gonna be okayIt's gonna be a good dayOh, oh, oh, uh, oh, oh, ohhhUh, oh, ohhhIt's gonna be a good dayFollow my intuitionIt's gonna be a good dayAll I know is that I just gotta let goGelic come back, it's always easy to knowSometimes it just gets so confusingFeel like I don't know what i'm doingBut, I trust in my heartAnd in the endIt turns out that we are better than anythingSee what's meant to be is gonna happenYou know it's gonna be a good dayGonna follow my intuitionI said it's gonna be a good dayEverythings gonna be okayIts gonna be a good dayOh, oh, oh, uh, oh, oh, ohhhUh, oh, ohhhIt's gonna be a good dayFollow my intuitionIt's gonna be a good dayOh, oh, oh, uh, oh, oh, ohhhUh, oh, ohhhIt's gonna be a good dayFollow my intuition


I want moreI want moreYeah Yeah Yeah YeahI want moreYeahFriday night and we're just talking,Stars are crashing in the sky,Burning just for you and IWe don't need to over-think this,Nothing's gonna bring us down,(Let's) show them what we're all about[Bridge]All the way,101 per cent,Touch down,We're gonna kill it,Lead the pack,Gonna take this town[Chorus]Let's go, whatcha wanna wait for?Let's take everything we asked for,Come on and turn it up,Let's tell them what we want,More, more, moreLet's go, take over the dancefloor,You be mine and I will be yours,Come on and let it play,And let me hear you saymore, more, moreTake my hand and pull me closer,Whisper nothings in my ear,'Til the walls just disappearFeel the music take you higher,Feel my heart beat like a drum,Baby you're the only one[Bridge][Chorus]Come on everybody,Let's go party 'til they kick us out now,I don't careOnce we get it startedwe won't stop until we get it all out,Take me there, take me there[Chorus]


Hey, Hey, HeyWhen you walk, you don't leave tracksWhen you talk, they don't talk backBelieve in every word you sayBut they don't know, they don't don't knowSecrets that you just can't keepPromises that you made meYou twisted it to suit yourselfBut now I know, I know, I knowOoooohEverything that I told youOoooohYou just smile and then youKiss and tell everything I sayStuck inside your little webEverybody wants to know, yeahLips that lie, caught in your trapSold me out and you just laughTell me were friends until the end, yeahBut you don't mean it, don't mean itYou don't mean it, you don't mean it, noI wish that I could take it backYou want it all but you can't have thatPeople falling at your feetBut they don't know, they don't don't knowYou're gonna figure out real soonThe dirty deeds will catch up to youIt's crumbling beneath your feetBut you don't know, you don't don't knowOoooohEverything that I told youOoooohYou just smile and then youKiss and tell everything I sayStuck inside your little webEverybody wants to know, yeahLips that lie, caught in your trapSold me out and you just laughTell me were friends until the end, yeahBut you don't mean it, don't mean itYou don't mean it, you don't mean it, noOoooohEverything that I told youOoooohEverything that I told youOoooohYou just smile and then youKiss and tell everything I sayStuck inside your little webEverybody wants to know, yeahLips that lie, caught in your trapSold me out and you just laughTell me were friends until the end, yeahBut you...Kiss and tell everything I sayStuck inside your little webEverybody wants to know, yeahLips that lie, caught in your trapSold me out and you just laughTell me were friends until the end, yeahBut you don't mean it, don't mean itYou don't mean it, you don't mean it, noDon't mean it, don't mean itYou don't mean it, you don't mean it, no

One and

Hey! Hey! Hey!La, La, La, La, LaHey! Hey! Hey!La, La, La, La, La[Selena:]You come from here,I come from there.[Demi:]You rock out in your room,I rock a world premiere.We're more alike thanAnybody could ever tell(ever tell)[Demi:]Friday, we're cool,Monday, we're freaks.[Selena:]Sometimes we rule,Sometimes we can't even speak.[Demi:]But we kick it off,Let loose, and LOL(LOL)[Selena:]It may seem clicheFor me to wanna say that your not alone(that your not alone)[Demi:]And you can call me uncoolBut it's a simple fact i got your back[Selena:]Yeah, yeah, yeah[Both:]'Cause we're one and the sameWe're anything but ordinaryOne and the sameI think we're almost legendary.You and me the perfect teamChasing down the dreamWe're one and the same!Hey! Hey! Hey!La, La, La, La, La[Demi:]I'm kinda like you,Your kinda like me.[Selena:]We write the same songIn a different key[Both:]It's got a rhythm, you and meCan get along(get along)[Selena:]And it may seem clicheFor me to wanna sayThat your not alone(here I go again)[Demi:]And you can call me uncoolBut it's a simple factI still got your back (yeah)(I still got you're back)[Both:]'Cause we're one and the sameWe're anything but ordinaryOne and the sameI think we're almost legendaryYou and me the perfect teamShaking up the scene,We're one and the same![Demi:] (yeah, yeah)[Selena:]Cause we're one and the same...[Demi:]We're anything but ordinary[Selena:]One and the same...[Demi:]We're something more than momentary![Selena:]Cause we're one..[Demi:]Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah[Selena:]Cause we're one..[Demi:]Were anything but ordinaryYou and me the perfect teamChasing down the dreamOhh,You and me the perfect teamShaking up the scene,We're one and the same!Hey! Hey! Hey!La, La, La, La, LaHey! Hey! Hey!


Last night was crazy, and today it's settin' inDid you really mean it and could you say it again? oh, ohEven if you just say it over the phone (come on and make it real)Love makes me crazy, restless, dumb, and paranoid (oh, yeah)But I'll take a chance on us and hope you don't destroy my heartJust give me one guarantee, I'm the only girl you seeWhatchu say, boy?[Iyaz:]You're my only shortyYou're my only shorty, yee yee yeeI'm tellin' you the truthGirl, it's only youYou're my only, you're my onlyYou're my only one and onlyYou're my only shorty (am I your only shorty?)You're my only shorty, yee yee yee (am I your only shorty?)I'm tellin' you the truth (oh-oh)Girl, it's only you (oh-oh)You're my only, you're my only (am I your only shorty?)You're my only, you're my only shorty[Ariana Grande:]Every day and night, you got an open invitation (woah-oh)As long as I'm your one and only destinationFly with me, I'll be your fantasyYou're in demand, but baby, baby so am IBut if you're weak and try to sneak, I'll have to tell you bye-bye.I'm a put you on the spot, am I your only girl or not?What ya say, boy?[Iyaz:]You're my only shortyYou're my only shorty, yee yee yee (am I your only)I'm tellin' you the truthGirl, it's only youYou're my only, you're my only (am I your only)You're my only one and onlyYou're my only shorty (am I your only shorty?)You're my only shorty, yee yee yee (am I your only shorty?)I'm tellin' you the truth (oh oh)Girl, it's only you (oh oh)You're my only, you're my only (am I your only shorty?)You're my only, you're my only shortySee yeah back in the day I was trapped in a daze.Trying to run game, but I've actually changed.(Same Old!) When I see you passing, the passionate flames.Simple interaction is all that I crave.I don't need agreement, and all the attention,Girl I need you, your love and affection.Oh yeah, baby girl, did I mention?You're my only shorty (am I your only shorty?)You're my only shorty, yee yee yee (baby, come clean!)I'm tellin' you the truth (oh-oh)Girl, it's only you (oh-oh)You're my only, you're my only (am I your only shorty?)You're my only one and onlyYou're my only shorty (am I your only shorty?)You're my only shorty, yee yee yee (am I your only shorty?)I'm tellin' you the truth (oh-oh)Girl, it's only you (oh-oh)You're my only, you're my only (am I your only shorty?)You're my only, you're my only shortyAm I your only?Am I your only?Tell me, am I your only shorty? (yes, you are.)Wanna hear you say, yeah (yes, you are.)Am I your only shawty.


Now you finally tell me how you feelGuess your words just came a little too lateAll the drama boy it's overkillDon't get mad at me cause you've been replaced, know your placeBut if you woulda manned up, put your hand up, stand upTell me how you really feltThen maybe it'd be differentIf you spoke I would've listenedBut now I'm with somebody elseAnd he loves me, too much for me to mess this upAnd it sucks to be all in your head, wonderingWhere this thing could go, butYou will never knowWhat we could have beenIf you would've shownYour way back thenBoy you gotta (yep, yep)Boy you shoulda (yep, yep)Cause you didn't know, soNow you'll never knowYou'll never knowNow it's probably hard for you to hearBut there's nothing left for you to sayHad my heart all in your handsBoy, but you don't understandIs a girl like me don't have no time to waste aroundBut if you woulda manned up, put your hand up, stand upTell me how you really feltThen maybe it'd be differentIf you spoke I would've listenedBut now I'm with somebody elseAnd he loves me, too much for me to mess this upAnd it sucks to be all in your head, wonderingWhere this thing could go, butYou will never knowWhat we could have beenIf you would've shown (If you would've shown)Your way back thenBoy you gotta (yep, yep)Boy you shoulda (yep, yep)Cause you didn't know, soNow you'll never knowYou'll never knowYou'll never knowBoy you should've told me, told meYou'll never knowBoy you should've let me knowYou'll never knowBoy you could've been there for meNow you'll never knowYou'll never knowIt's not my faultYou're a little bit too lateYou're the only one to blameWipe that look off your faceYou can wish a thousand times, butNone of that will change my mind boyYou had a chance you'll never get back (get back)You will never knowWhat we could have beenIf you would've shown (If you would've shown me)Your way back then (way back then baby)Boy you gotta (yep, yep)Boy you shoulda (yep, yep)Cause you didn't know, soNow you'll never knowOh babyYou'll never knowBoy you could've told me told meYou'll never knowBoy you could've let me knowYou'll never knowBoy you could've been there for meNow you'll never knowYou'll never knowYou'll never knowYou'll never knowYou'll never knowYou'll never know

The way

What we gotta do right here is go back, back to the top.I love the way you make me feelI love it, I love itI love the way you make me feelI love it, I love itSay, I'm thinking 'bout her every second, every hourDo my singing in the showerPicking petals off the flowers likeDo she love me, do she love me not? (love me not)I ain't a player, I just crush a lot (crush a lot)You give me that kind of somethingWant it all the time, need it everydayOn a scale of one to ten I'm at 100Never get enough, I can't stay awayIf you want it, I got it, I got it everydayYou can get whatever you need from meStay by your side, I'll never leave youAnd I ain't going nowhere 'cause you're a keeperSo don't you worry, baby, you got meI got a bad boy, I must admit itYou got my heart, don't know how you did itAnd I don't care who sees it babeI don't wanna hide the way I feel when you're next to meI love the way (you make me feel)I love the way (I love it)Baby, I love the way (you make me feel)Ooh, I love the way (I love it)The way you love meOh, it's so crazy you get my heart jumpingWhen you put your lips on mineAnd honey it ain't a question (q-question)Cause boy I know just what you likeSo If you need it, I got it, I got it everydayBe your lover, your friend, you'll find it all in meStay by your side, I'll never leave youAnd I ain't going nowhere 'cause you're a keeperSo don't you worry, baby, you got meI got a bad boy, I must admit itYou got my heart, don't know how you did itAnd I don't care who sees it babeI don't wanna hide the way I feel when you're next to meI love the way (you make me feel)I love the way (I love it)Baby, I love the way (you make me feel)Ooh, I love the way (I love it)The way I love youUh, I make you feel so fine, I make you feel so fineI hope you hit me on my celly when I sneak in your mindYou're a princess to the public, but a freak when it's timeSaid your bed be feeling lonely,So you're sleeping in mine.You come and watch a movie with me,“American Beauty” or “Bruce Almighty” that's groovy,Just come and move closer to meI got some feelings for you,I'm not gonna get bored ofBut baby you're an adventureSo please let me come explore youSo don't you worry, baby you got meI got a bad boy, I must admit itYou got my heart, don't know how you did itAnd I don't care who sees it babeI don't wanna hide the way I feel when you're next to meI love the way (you make me feel)I love the way (I love it)Baby, I love the way (you make me feel)I love the way (I love it)I love the way (you make me feel)I love the way (I love it)Baby, I love the way (you make me feel)I love the way (I love it)The way I love youThe way I love youThe way I love you, you, you, yeahI love the way you make me feelI love it, I love itI love the way you make me feelI love itThe way I love you


I was there in the rain,Crying againYou said that you changed,But you're just the sameNow don't make it worseBy trying to lieI saw you kiss herWith my own eyesDon't worry I'm not angryI'm way past that alreadyThese are the last tears you'll seeSo don't you,Don't you worry about meI know what to do, boyTo get over youI'm gonna send you awayBut I'm not ready soJust get out of my faceStop standing in my wayI'm going out to say what?I'm readyI'm gonna get out my suitcase andGet out of this place andI'm going somewhere andGet you out of my hairI'm gonna have funBaby be so goneAnd when I get backYou know you better be goneBoy you know you better be gone(You better be gone)Boy don't look so confusedRemember the truthNow when I met youYou had nothing at allI guess with true loveWhat mine is your'sAnd maybe it wasBut it's not anymoreDon't worry I'm not angryI'm way past that alreadyThese are the last tears you'll seeSo don't you,Don't you worry about meI know what to do, boyTo get over youI'm gonna send you awayBut I'm not ready soJust get out of my faceStop standing in my wayI'm going out to say what?I'm readyI'm gonna get out my suitcase andGet out of this place andI'm going somewhere andGet you out of my hairI'm gonna have funBaby be so goneAnd when I get backYou know you better be goneYou better be goneSo we believed the one that lovedWould have to hurt and lieSo we don't make the same mistakesThe problem isn't mineI know what to do, boyTo get over youI'm gonna send you awayBut I'm not ready soJust get out of my faceStop standing in my wayI'm going out to say what?I'm readyI'm gonna get out my suitcase andGet out of this place andI'm going somewhere andGet you out of my hairI'm gonna have funBaby be so goneAnd when I get backYou know you better be goneYou better be goneYou better be goneYou better be gone


(If you wanna party, if you, if you wanna party)Then put your hands up (Then put your hands up)(If you wanna party, if you, if you wanna party)Then put your hands up (Then put your hands up)You got it, you got it babeYou got it, you got it babeYou got it, you got it babeYou got it, you got it babeSean Don!Okay, this, this, this one for my number one girl who got the top spot titleSpent a hour in the bathroom walked out looking like a modelGod! Doing what you do, got me right there with ApolloOn the moon, who needs genies in a bottle girlIf they already got you (got you. I got you.)Boy you make me feel so luckyFinally the stars alignNever has it been so easy, to be in loveAnd to give you this heart of mineYou know what I needI know what you likePut it all together babyWe could be alrightHow can this be wrongWhen it feels so rightYeah, I really love youI really love you ohAnd I'll never let you goYou should knowI'm never gonna changeI'm always gonna stayWhen you call for meI'm right there (right there)Right there (right there)Cause you listenAnd you careYou're so differentNo one comparesAnd if you never changeI'm gonna stay right thereI'll always be right thereYou got it, you got it babeYou got it, you got it babeI get butterflies just thinkingAbout you boy. You're on my mindSometimes I catch myself daydreamingLost in your eyesAnd I lose all track of timeYou know what I needI know what you likePut it all together babyWe could be alrightHow could this be wrongWhen it feels so rightYeah, I really need youI really love youAnd I'll never let you goYou should knowI'm never gonna changeI'm always gonna stayWhen you call for meI'm right there (right there)Right there (right there)Cause you listenWhen you careYou're so differentNo one comparesAnd if you never changeI'm gonna stay right thereI'll always be right there(What, okay, what)Now if all fell throughWould you catch me before the pavementIf my Benz turned back to Public TransportationWould you still be at home for me with the candles waitingAnd get my mind back adjacent to the place of a young visionaryA player too, you know I have some girls missionaryMy black book of numbers thicker than the dictionaryAnd bible I got it recycledI love and I like youFive course meals even though you don't mind a drive-thruThat's why I got youAnd I'll never let you go (I got you)You should knowI'm never gonna change (I'm never gonna change)I'm always gonna stay (I'm always gonna stay)You call for me (right there)Right thereCause you listenAnd you careYou're so differentNo one comparesAnd if you never changeI'm gonna stay right thereI'll always be right there(If you wanna party, if you, if you wanna party)You got it, I'll always be right there(If you wanna party, if you, if you wanna party)I'll always be right thereYou got it, you got it babe [4x]You got it babe


La la, la laYou were the popular one, the popular chickIt is what it is, now I'm popular-ishStanding on the field with your pretty pomponsNow you're working at the movie selling popular cornI could have been a mess but I never went wrongCause I'm putting down my story in a popular songI said I'm putting down my story in a popular songMy problem, I never was a model,I never was a scholar,You were always popular,You were singing, all the songs I don't knowNow you're in the front rowCause my song is popularPopular, I know about popularIt's not about who you are or your fancy carYou're only ever who you werePopular, I know about popularAnd all that you have to do, is be true to youThat's all you ever need to knowSo catch up, cause you got an awful long way to goSo catch up, cause you got an awful long way to goAlways was on the lookout for someone to hatePicking on me like a dinner plateYou'd hit during classes and in between themDunk me in the toilets now it's you that cleans em'You tried to make me feel bad with the things you doIt ain't so funny when the joke's on youOoh, the joke's on youGot everyone's laughing, got everyone clapping, askingHow come you look so cool?Cause that's the only thing that I learnt at school, boyI said that's the only thing I learnt at schoolMy problem, I never was a model,I never was a scholar,You were always popular,You were singing, all the songs I don't knowNow you're in the front rowCause my song is popularPopular, I know about popularIt's not about who you are or your fancy carYou're only ever who you werePopular, I know about popularAnd all that you have to do, is be true to youThat's all you ever need to knowSo catch up, cause you got an awful long way to goSo catch up, cause you got an awful long way to goAll you ever need to knowYou're only ever who you wereAll you ever need to knowYou're only ever who you werePopular, I know about popularIt's not about who you are or your fancy carYou're only ever who you werePopular, I know about popularIt's not about who you are or your fancy carYou're only ever who you werePopular, I know about popularAnd all that you have to do, is be true to you.That's all you ever need to knowIt's all you ever need to know


I could write a song with my new pianoI could sing about how love is a losing battleNot hard, (it's not hard),It's not hard, (it's not hard),It's not hard, (it's not hard),It's not hard, (It's not hard),And I could sing about cupid and his shooting arrowIn the end, you'll find out that my heart was batteredReal hard (Real hard)It's so hard (So hard)Real hard (Real hard)It's that hard (It's that hard)But I rather make a song they can play on the radioThat makes you wanna danceDon't it make you wanna danceBut I rather make a song they can play on the radioThat makes you wanna grab your lover's handSo hold up andTake it through the nightAnd you should follow it throughTo make it alrightNow grab each others' hands, get 'em upI want to see you rock to the piano, the pianoI could write a song by my new pianoI could sing about how love is a losing battleNot hard (It's not hard)It's not hard (It's not hard)It's not hard (It's not hard)It's not hard (It's not hard)And I could sing about cupid and a shooting arrowIn the end, you'll find out that my heart was betterReal hard (It's not hard)So hard (So hard)Real hard (It's not hard)It's not hard (It's not hard)But I rather make a song they can play on the radioThat makes you wanna danceDon't it make you wanna danceBut I rather make a song they can play on the radioThat makes you wanna grab your lover's handSo hold up andTake it through the nightAnd you should follow it throughTo make it alrightNow grab each others' hands, get 'em upI want to see you rock to the piano, the pianoSo hold up andTake it through the nightAnd you should follow it throughTo make it alrightNow grab each others' hands, get 'em upI want to see you rock to the piano, the pianoI'd rather tell you about how I'm feeling boyAnd how I'm doing things my wayIf I got my piano, than I know I'd be okaySo hold up andTake it through the nightAnd you should follow it throughTo make it alrightNow grab each others' hands, get 'em upI want to see you rock to the piano, the pianoSo hold up andTake it through the nightAnd you should follow it throughTo make it alrightNow grab each others' hands, get 'em upI want to see you rock to the piano, the pianoSo hold up andTake it through the nightAnd you should follow it throughTo make it alrightNow grab each others' hands, get 'em upI want to see you rock to the piano, the pianoI could write a song by my new pianoI could sing about how love is a losing battleIt's not hard (It's not hard)It's not hard (It's not hard)It's not hard (It's not hard)It's not hard (It's not hard)


You don't need a lot of moneyHoney, you don't have to play no gamesAll I need is all your lovingTo get the blood rushing through my veinsI wanna say we're going steadyLike it's 1954, no, it doesn't have to be foreverJust as long as I'm the name on yourTattooed heart... (tattooed heart)You don't need to worry about making me crazy'Cause I'm way past thatAnd so just call me, if you want me'Cause you got me, and I'll show you how much I want to beOn your tattooed heartTattooed heart, tattooed heartJust as long as I'm the name on your tattooed heartWrap me in your jacket, my babyAnd lay me in your bedAnd kiss me underneath the moonlightDarling let me trace the lines on your tattooed heartJust as long as I'm the name on your tattooed heart


[Graham:]There you come with your big, brown eyes and I'm so sure you got me mesmerized.So sure I'm just about to fall for youBut you don't even try and catch me, so I.[Ariana:]I pick myself up, I pick myself up.Boy, you might be falling but I think I better not.My heart's still mineI'm gonna take my time, but[Both:]Don't leave cause there's something about me and you.You gotta stick around, stick around around.Oh, You gotta hang 'round if you wanna find out if it'sLove baby, real love, love, baby we've found.You gotta stick around.[Graham:]Any other guy would fall at your feetThey think I'm crazy but they're nothing like me.I've always been the kind to think things out.And I'm kinda wondering what you're all about.So I.[Ariana:]I make my mind up, I make my mind up.But boy, you gotta know that I'm not in a rush.I'm a fun girl not a dumb girl so.Wait a minute[Both:]Till I got you all figured out.You gotta stick around, stick around, around.Oh, you gotta hang 'round if you wanna find out if it'sLove baby, real love, love baby we've found.You gotta stick around.Take a look, take a breath.Take a chance on everything I've said.Take your heart. And take your time.And maybe one day you'll be mine.Ohh, maybe one day you'll be mine. (Woah)Yeah!You gotta stick around, stick around, round.Oh, you gotta hang round' if you wanna find out if it's.Love baby, real love, love baby we've found.Stick around, stick around, round.Oh, you gotta hand 'round if you wanna find out if it's.Love, baby, real love, love baby we've found.You gotta stick around.There you come with your big brown eyes and I'mSo sure you've got me mesmerized.Stick around.


And Background...And Action!Let me see you put your hearts up, yeahLet me see you put your hearts up, yeahIf we give a little love, maybe we can change the world (change the world)You think you're so smallLike you're itty bitty.Just one match in the lights of the cityWalking by strangers on the side of the streetLike a quarter in a cup'll get 'em up on their feet, likeYou think you're never gonna make your markSit back and watch the world while it falls apart, likeOut of sight, out of mind, like, likeIt's just a waste of time,Like, like, likeHey yeah yeah yeah yeahHey yeah yeahIf we give a little loveMaybe we can change the world (change the world)I saidHey yeah yeah yeah yeahHey yeah yeahSing it if you're with meAll you boys and all you girls (all you girls)Let me see you put your hearts up, yeahLet me see you put your hearts up, yeahIf we give a little love maybe we can change the world (change the world)Wish in a well, shooting star in the skyWe can do anything if we tryCan't resurrect Gandhi, resurrect kingBut if we put our heads togetherWe can do anything likeYou don't have to be a billionaireYou don't have to have much to show how much you careLike give a wink, give a kissLike give a little happinessLike like likeHey yeah yeah yeah yeahHey yeah yeahIf we give a little loveMaybe we can change the world (change the world)I saidHey yeah yeah yeah yeahHey yeah yeahSing it if you're with meAll you boys and all you girlsLet me see you put your hearts up, yeahLet me see you put your hearts up, yeahIf we give a little love maybe we can change the world (change the world)Don't let em bring you down now, down nowDon't let em bring you down now, down nowAin't got nothing but love now, love nowAin't got nothing but love now, love nowDon't let em bring you down now, down nowDon't let em bring you down now, down nowAin't got nothing but love now, love nowAin't got nothing but love now, love now!Hey yeah yeah yeah yeahHey yeah yeahIf we give a little loveMaybe we can change the world (change the world)I saidHey yeah yeah yeah yeahHey yeah yeahSing it if you're with meAll you boys and all you girls (all you girls)Let me see you put your hearts up, yeahLet me see you put your hearts up, yeahIf we give a little love maybe we can change the worldLet me see you put your hearts up, yeahLet me see you put your hearts up, yeahIf we give a little love maybe we can change the worldHey yeah yeah yeah yeah


Every day I'm grindin'I don't even get a weekendBeen livin' my lifeIn black and white, no sleepingSo tonight we're gonna flip itLike in a New York minuteWe're gonna hail a cabAnd don't look backOnce we get in itLemme hear you sayOoooh, oooohCan't keep it bottled up?Lemme hear you sayOoooh, oooohCan't keep it bottled up?Make it pop like Pink ChampagneIn the purple rainGonna paint paint paint the cityWe're gonna show off all our pretty, pretty prettyIn a pink champagneLet 'em know our names.Screamin' so loud'Til they'll hear us in LAWe're poppin' like pink champagne (eh, eh)We're poppin' like pink champagne (eh, eh)We're poppin' like pink champagne!Don't need no guest listEverybody's invitedI said "Even if you can't get inWe'll dance outside it!"We're gonna make this bubbleCarbonate some troubleWhen life gets flatGotta take it back to another levelLemme hear you sayOoooh, oooohCan't keep it bottled up?Lemme hear you sayOoooh, oooohCan't keep it bottled up?Make it pop like Pink Champagne,In the purple rainGonna paint, paint, paint the cityWe're gonna show off all our pretty, prettyIn a pink champagneLet 'em know our namesScreamin' so loud,They'll hear us in LAWe're poppin' like pink champagne (eh, eh)We're poppin' like pink champagne (eh, eh)We're poppin' like pink champagne!Make it pop likeMake it pop likeMake it pop likeOooh... Ooh... Ooh... OhP-p-p-p-pink!Make it pop like pink champagne,In the purple rain!We're gonna paint, paint, paint the cityWe're gonna show off all our pretty, prettyIn a pink champagne!Let 'em know our names!Scream it so loud,They'll hear us in LA (Whoa!)We're poppin' like pink champagne! (Champagne!)We're poppin' like pink champagne! (Noooo!)We're poppin' like pink champagne!


Baby don't you know you got all my love (all my love)Baby don't you know you got all my love (all my love)Hold up, wait, before you go just stayAnd talk to me for a littleBaby, won't you loosen up just a little, uh?See what you don't understand is falling in love wasn't part of my planStarted with a crushI call you my man?Thought, would I ever fall in love, ever fall in love again?'Cause you give me chills every time we chill I spend all of my daysDoin', doin'Nothin' but lovin' youNothin' but lovin' you baby(boy you got all my time)Lovin' you, lovin' youLovin' it, lovin' it baby(Boy you got all my, all my)Love and affectionAll my attentionYou don't gotta questionIf I'm reallyLovin' you, lovin' youLovin' it, lovin' it baby(boy you got all my, all my)Hold up, wait, shut up and kiss me, babeI just wanna get a little tasteI just wanna get a little taste before you goSee what you don't understand is fallin' in love wasn't part of my planStarted with a crushI call you my man?Thought, would I ever fall in love, ever fall in love again?'Cause you give me chills every time we chillI spend all of my daysDoin', doin'Nothin' but lovin' you,Nothin' but lovin' you baby (boy you got all my time)Lovin' you, lovin' youLovin' it, lovin' it baby (boy you got all my, all my)Love and affectionAll my attentionYou don't gotta questionIf I'm reallyLovin' you, lovin' youLovin' it, lovin' it baby(boy you got all my, all my)Savour my trustDon't mess this up(You got me fallin' in love, you got me fallin' love, you got me fallin' so hard)Boy you change the way I breatheWhen you put your lips on meI adore youSo let me make it clear that you're the boy that all I needOh babyNothin' but lovin' you,Nothin' but lovin you baby(boy you got all my time)Lovin' you, lovin' youLovin' it, lovin' it baby (boy you got all my, all my)Love and affectionAll my attentionYou don't gotta questionIf I'm reallyLovin' you, lovin' youLovin' it, lovin' it babyBaby don't you know you got all my love (all my love)Baby don't you know you got all my love (all my love)

Do you

Do you love me?Do you love me?Oh, do you love me?Now that I can danceWatch me nowI can mash potatoI can do the twistNow tell me babyDo you like it like this?Ariana and your boy Sky BluI gotta tell you something babyI think I love youBorn to partyBorn to rockBig fat baby are we on topRolling in the cabHello bitch making hits like granddadBusta move, get in the grooveBaby girl I'm into youShow me what you can do[Chorus:]Tell me if it's meant to beI'll give my love but it ain't for freeSo watch it now, talk's cheapBaby cash then dance with meSay dance dance young romanceYou bad boy better take a chanceI'm the best baby that's on the handSo, oh, oh,Need your loveDo you love me?Oh, do you love me boy?Oh, do you love me baby?Now that I can da-a-anceWatch me now[Ariana:]Cause I can mash potatoAnd I can do the twistNow tell me babyDo you like it like this?Ariana, and my boy Sky BluI gotta tell ya babyI think I love you[Sky Blu:]Got the money, got the cashOn the dance floor I'm Michael JacksonTime for some action, here we goSky blu on the stereoTurn it up, hurry upShe doing it grande that's for sureHer plus me you can add it upYou'll never get enough[Ariana:]Tell me if it's messyI'll give my love but it ain't for freeSo watch it now, toxyBaby cash then come with meSay dance dance young romanceYou bad boy better take a chanceI'm the best baby that's on the handSo, oh, oh,Baby boy I need to knowDo you love me?Oh, do you love me?Oh, do you love me boy?Now that I can da-a-anceWatch me now[Sky Blue:]You broke my heartCause I couldn't danceYou didn't even want me aroundBut now I'm backTo let you knowI can really shuffle them down yeah!Do you lo-ove me(HEY HEY)Do you love me?(YEAH)Oh, do you lo-o-ove me?(Sky Blu baby)Do you lo-o-ove me?(Ariana Grande)Tell me (lo-ove me)(We rocking, we rocking, no stopping)Do you lo-o-ove mePut your hands up, put your hands up, put your hands upHey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heyDance, Dance, Long romance, Oh!


I looked in the rearview mirror andIt seemed to make a lot more senseThan what I see ahead of us, ahead usI'm ready to make that turnBefore we both crash and burnCause I can be the death of us, the death of us, babyYou know how to drive in rainYou decide and that's okayStuck in the same old laneGoing the wrong way homeI feel like my heart is stuckIn bumper to bumperTraffic, I'm under pressureCause I can't have you the way that I wantLet's just go back to the way it wasWhen we were on Honeymoon AvenueHoneymoon AvenueBaby, Constantly crazyCan we get back to the way it wasHey, What happened to the buttlerfliesGuess they were moving kinda fast, that timeAnd my heart is at a yellow light, a yellow lightHey, can we go back to where we found itBut that's if we can turn it aroundYou're saying baby don't worryBut we're still going the wrong way babyYou know how to drive in rainYou decide and that's okayStuck in the same old laneGoing the wrong way homeI feel like my heart is stuckIn bumper to bumperTraffic, I'm under pressureCause I can't have you the way that I wantLet's just go back to the way it wasWhen we were on Honeymoon AvenueHoneymoon AvenueBaby, Constantly crazyCan we get back to the way it wasThey say only fools fall in loveRumors they've been talking about usSometimes I feel likeI've been here beforeI could be wrong, but I know I'm rightThink I'm in loveBut we continue to fightHoney I knowWe can find our way homeI feel like my heart is stuckIn bumper to bumperTraffic, I'm under pressureCause I can't have you the way that I wantLet's just go back to the way it wasWhen we were on Honeymoon AvenueHoneymoon AvenueBaby, Constantly crazyCan we get back to the way it wasWhen we were on Honeymoon AvenueHoneymoon AvenueBaby, Constantly crazyCan we get back to the way it was

Die in

So you love meAs much as I love you yeahWould you hurt me babyCould you do it to me yeahWould you lie to me babyCause the truth hurts so much moreWould you do the things that drive me crazyLeave my heart still at the doorOh, I can't help it I'm just selfishThere's no way that I could share youThat would break my heart to piecesHonestly the truth isIf I could just die in your armsI wouldn't mindCause every time you touch meI just die in your armsOooh, it feels so rightSo baby baby please don't stop boyYou know,This ain't the first time this has happened to meIt's a love sick thingI like serious relationships and uhA girl like me don't stay single for long'Cause every time my boyfriend and I break upMy world is crushed and I'm all aloneThe love bug crawls right back up and bites me!Ooh, baby I know loving you ain't easyIt sure is worth a tryOoh, if there is a reason to call me a foolCause I love too hardAre there any rules babyIf this is a lessonBaby teach me to behaveJust tell me what I gotta doJust to stay right next to youOh, I can't help it I'm just selfishThere's no way that I could share youThat would break my heart to piecesHonestly the truth isIf I could just die in your armsI wouldn't mindCause every time you touch meI just die in your armsOooh, it feels so rightSo baby baby please don't stop boyBasically I'm saying hereI can't live without my babyLoving you is so damn easy for me yeahAin't no need for contemplatingPromise you won't keep me waitingTell me baby, I'm all that you needIf I could just die in your armsI wouldn't mindCause every time you touch meI just die in your armsOooh, it feels so rightSo baby baby please don't stop boyIf I could dieI'm a make you believe boyI wouldn't mindAy ay ooohDon't stop baby no no ohIt's what you do to me yeahWooh, no no no no no noOooIf I could just dieOoohBaby please don't go boyNo no no no no no


I told you once, "Get out my life.I don't need ya, I'll be alright."But some things are better left unsaid.So tell the truth and hit me hardA broken heart is all I have nowBut some things are better left unsaidAnd I swore that I would never sayI miss you more every dayBut some things are better left unsaid,Are better left unsaid, said, said...Oh-ooh-whoa-ooh-oh-ohI'm gonna say things like, "Shut up and kiss me!"Oh-ooh-whoa-ooh-oh-ohTonight I'm gonna lose some thingsDon't play me – just kiss me.If you wanna party, put your hands upPut your hands up put your hands upDon't play me – just kiss me.Oh-ooh-whoa-ooh-oh-ohTonight I'll say please, don't play me – just kiss me, babeYou tell a lie, blame tonightToo many drinks, so many reasons that some things are better left unsaidAnd I swore that I would never sayI miss you more every dayBut some things are better left unsaidAre better left unsaid, said, said...Oh-ooh-whoa-ooh-oh-ohI'm gonna say things like, "Shut up and kiss me!"Oh-ooh-whoa-ooh-oh-ohTonight I'm gonna lose some thingsDon't play me – just kiss me.If you wanna party, put your hands upPut your hands up put your hands upDon't play me – just kiss me.Oh-ooh-whoa-ooh-oh-ohTonight I'll say things, don't play me – just kiss me, babeIf you wanna party, put your hands upPut your hands up put your hands upDon't play me – just kiss me.Oh-ooh-whoa-ooh-oh-ohTonight I'll say things, don't play – me just kiss meIf you wanna party, put your hands upPut your hands up put your hands upIf you wanna party, put your hands upPut your hands up put your hands upYou tell a lie, blame tonightToo many drinks, so many reasons that some things are better left unsaid


You walked in,Caught my attention,I've never seen,A man with so much dimension.It's the way you walk,The way you talk,The way you make me feel inside,It's in your smile,It's in your eyes,I don't wanna wait for tonight.[Chorus]So I'm daydreaming,With my chin in the palm of my hands,About you,You and only,You got me daydreaming,With my chin in the palm of my hands,About you,You and only you.Only you,Say yes,Say yes,Say yes.Now I can't wait,To hold you in my arms,I know I was made for you,I'm in love with all your charm.It's the way you walk,The way you talk,The way you make me feel inside,It's in your smile,It's in your eyes,I don't wanna wait for tonight.[Chorus]So I'm daydreaming,With my chin in the palm of my hands,About you,You and only,You got me daydreaming,With my chin in the palm of my hands,About you,You and only you.And I want you,That's a fact,And I need you,Like I never have,Loved before.Oh I want you,Oh I need you,Got to have you,Like I never have,Loved before.[Chorus]So I'm daydreaming,With my chin in the palm of my hands,About you,You and only,You got me daydreaming,With my chin in the palm of my hands,About you,You and only you.Say yes,Say yes.

Baby i

Baby I got love for theeSo deep inside of me I don't know where to startYeah, yeahI love you more than anythingBut the words can't even touch what's in my heartNo, ohWhen I try to explain it I be sounding insaneThe words don't ever come out rightI get all tongue tied (and twisted)I can't explain what I'm feelingAnd I say baby, baby, baby(Baby I) ooh baby, oh baby, my baby(Baby I) ooh baby, baby IAll I'm tryna say is you're my everything babyBut every time I try to say itWords, they only complicate itBaby, babyBaby I'm so down for youNo matter what you do, (real talk), I'll be aroundYeah, yeah, oh babySee baby I been feelin' youBefore I even knew what feelings were aboutOh babyWhen I try to explain it I be sounding all crazyWords don't ever come out rightI get all tongue tied (and twisted)I can't explain what I'm (feeling)And I say baby baby, baby(Baby I) ooh baby, oh baby, my baby(Baby I) ooh baby, baby IAll I'm tryna say is you're my everything (baby)But every time I try to say itWords, they only complicate itBaby, babyStraight up, you got me,All in, how could I not be,I sure hope you knowIf it's even possible, I love you moreThan the word love can say itIt's better not explainingThat's why I keep saying… Baby IOoh baby, oh baby, my baby(Baby I) ooh baby, baby IAll I'm tryna say is you're my everything babyBut every time I try to say itWords, they only complicate itBaby, babyBabyBaby, baby(Baby I) ooh baby, oh baby, my baby(Baby I) ooh baby, baby IAll I'm tryna say is you're my everything babyBut every time I try to say itWords, they only complicate itEvery time I try to say itWords, they only complicate itEvery time I try to say itWords, they only complicate itBaby, babyBaby, baby


Been round n' round in circlesTryna find the endBumped into this shy guyWhile chillin' with my friends[Bridge:]He's eyein' meSizin' meMakes my body weakHe's bringin' out the freak in meOnly been a minuteSince you came inAnd changed my lifeWhen I get around youI fell thisSpark ignite[Chorus: x2]I got that fireYou got me openYou dig it deeperWe take it higherCrazy, what we're doin'Livin' let it go (go, go)Ridin' havn' good times andNo one has to knowHe's eyen' me his eyes on me,Makes my body weakHe's bringn' out the freak in me[Bridge][Chorus x2]We got that jam, make themDance, make them lose their minds(Ooohhh ummmm hmhm)We got that jam, make themDance, make them lose their minds(Oh yeah)We got that jam, make themDance, make them lose their minds(Uh huh)We got that jam, make themDance, make them lose their mindsYeah, yeah, yeah[Chorus x4]


Easy come, easy go, that's just how you liveOh, take, take, take it all but you never giveShould've known you was trouble from the first kissHad your eyes wide open, why were they open?Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trashYou tossed it in the trash, you didTo give me all your love is all I ever asked'Cause what you don't understand isI'd catch a grenade for yaThrow my hand on a blade for yaI'd jump in front of a train for yaYou know I'd do anything for yaI would go through all this painTake a bullet straight through my brainYes, I would die for you, babyBut you won't do the sameNo, no, no, noBlack, black, black and blue, beat me 'til I'm numbTell the devil I said hey, when you get back to where you're fromMad boy, bad boy, that's just what you are, yeahYou'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my carGave you all I had and you tossed it in the trashYou tossed it in the trash, yes, you didTo give me all your love is all I ever asked'Cause what you don't understand isI'd catch a grenade for yaThrow my hand on a blade for yaI'd jump in front of a train for yaYou know I'd do anything for yaI would go through all this painTake a bullet straight through my brainYes, I would die for ya, babyBut you won't do the sameIf my body was on fireOoh, you'd watch me burn down in flamesYou said you loved me, you're a liar'Cause you never, ever, ever did, babyBut darling, I'd still catch a grenade for yaThrow my hand on a blade for yaI'd jump in front of a train for yaYou know I'd do anything for yaI would go through all this painTake a bullet straight through my brainYes, I would die for you, babyBut you won't do the sameNo, you won't do the sameYou wouldn't do the sameOoh, you never do the sameNo, no, no, no


On the first page of our storyThe future seemed so brightThen this thing turned out so evilDon't know why I'm still surprisedEven angels have their wicked schemesAnd you take that to new extremesBut you'll always be my heroEven though you've lost your mindJust gonna stand there and watch me burnBut that's all right because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear me cryBut that's all right because I love the way you lieI love the way you lieOhhhhI love the way you lieOhh yeahNow there's gravel in our voicesGlass is shattered from the fightIn this tug of war you'll always winEven when I'm rightCause you feed me fables from your handsWith violent words and empty threatsAnd it's sick that all these battlesAre what keeps me satisfiedJust gonna stand there and watch me burnBut that's all right because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear me cryBut that's all right because I love the way you lieI love the way you lieOhhh I love the way you lieSo maybe I'm a masochistI try to run but I don't wanna ever leaveTill these walls are going upIn smoke with all our memoriesJust gonna stand there and watch me burnBut that's all right because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear me cryBut that's all right because I love the way you lieI love the way you lieOhhh I love the way you lie


I'd like to say we gave it a tryI'd like to blame it all on lifeMaybe we just weren't right, but that's a lie, that's a lieAnd we can deny it as much as we wantBut in time our feelings will show'Cause sooner or laterWe'll wonder why we gave upThe truth is everyone knowsAlmost, almost is never enoughSo close to being in loveIf I would have known that you wanted meThe way I wanted youThen maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apartBut right here in each others armsHere we almost, we almost knew what love wasBut almost is never enoughIf I could change the world overnightThere'd be no such thing as goodbyeYou'll be standing right where you wereAnd we'd get the chance we deserveTry to deny it as much as you wantBut in time our feelings will show'Cause sooner or laterWe'll wonder why we gave upThe truth is everyone knowsAlmost, almost is never enough (is never enough, babe)We were so close to being in love (so close)If I would have known that you wanted me the way I wanted you, babeThen maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apartBut right here in each others armsHere we almost, we almost knew what love wasBut almost is never enough


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