Sonia Dea Octalia ♥

22 November 2012

5 Karya Unik anti Gravitasi

Gravitasi merupakan bagian terpenting dari kehidupan kita, sebuah ketentuan yang memengaruhi pola kehidupan manusia di dunia. Adalah Sir Isaac Newton seorang ahli fisika dan matematika asal Inggris yang memublikasikan teori gravitasinya. Ia mengatakan bahwa matematika adalah cara untuk menjelaskan hukum-hukum alam seperti gravitasi, dan membuat beberapa rumus untuk menghitung ‘pergerakan benda’ dan ‘gravitasi bumi’. Teorinya tersebut sangat mempengaruhi perubahan dan kemajuan teknologi serta ilmu pengetahuan dair zaman ke zaman. Tapi bagaimana kalau orang menciptakan karya yang justru melawan gravitasi,berikut 5 Karya Unik anti gravitasi:

1. Rumah anti gravitasi
Pernahkah Anda melihat rumah yang bisa berputar setiap jamnya? Atau bahkan Anda tidak tahu mana atas dan mana bawah? Semuanya serba tanpa menganut hukum gravitasi, Anda akan merasakan perubahan posisi yang berbeda dan berjatuhan satu sama lainnya di rumah ini. Rumah ini dibangun oleh Jimenez Lai yang terispirasi dari sebuah komik yang diciptakan Lai, Phalanstery Module. Kami sarankan jangan membawa makanan dan minuman yang terbuka ditempat ini. Wow unik bukan?
2. Sepatu Michael Jackson
Siapa sih yang tidak kenal dengan Michael Jackson? Tahukah Anda rahasia yang bisa membuat Michael Jackson bisa miring 45 derajat? Jawabanya adalah sepatu, Michael Jackson merancang sendiri desain sepatunya sehingga dapat melawan hukum gravitasi dan dapat mengendalikan tubuh sesuai keinginannya hingga kemiringan 45 derajat. Bener-bener Fantastis dan keren!!
3. Kendaraan yang mampu melawan Gravitasi
Diilhami dari film Star Wars para mahasiswa Universitas Adelaide, Australia, berhasil menciptakan sebuah kendaraan yang mampu melawan Gravitasi dengan bentuk kursi roda. Kursi itu memiliki dua roda besar, dan dinamakan Edward, yang merupakan singkatan dari Electric Diwheel With Active Rotation Damping.
Kendaraan Ini mampu menempuh kecepatan 25 mil per jam atau 40 kilometer perjam. Tak hanya itu pengendaranya pun bisa bergerak memutar, seperti sedang bermain di salah satu wahana permainan Disneyland. Kendaraan ini hanya mampu naik pada ketinggian 12 derajat saja serta kendaraan ini menggunakan tenaga listrik tapi bisa dihemat sesuai kecepatan. Benar – benar inovatif.
4.Cangkir yang Berdiri Miring
Pernahkan Anda mendengar cangkir yang bisa berdiri miring? Adalah Zero Gravity Cup, cangkir ini dapat berdiri miring hingga sudut 30 derajat, dan ini bukan ada di dalam permainan sulap.

Cangkir ini menggunakan rumus fisika. Cangkir ini berdiri tanpa penyangga atau penghalang sehingga benar-benar terlihat miring. Namun sayangnya cangkir ini dapat miring apabila dalam keadaan kosong. Karena jika diisi dengan teh atau kopi, kemungkinan akan tumpah, tapi setidaknya bagus untuk dekorasi rumah Anda. Keren kan.

5.Ilusi Optik Anti Gravitasi
Diciptakan oleh Koukichi Sugihara, dari Institut Meiji, Jepang. Ketika sebuah kelereng akan terlihat seperti naik dan melawan Gravitasi,karya ini telah memenangkan penghargaan sebagai Juara pertama kompetisi “2010 Illusion of the Year”

Come In With The Rain

I could go back to every laughBut I don't wanna go there anymoreAnd I know all the steps up to your doorBut I don't wanna go there anymore
Talk to the wind, talk to the skyTalk to the man with the reasons whyAnd let me know what you find
I'll leave my window open'Cause I'm too tired at night to call your nameBut just know I'm right here hopin'That you'll come in with the rain
I could stand up and sing you a songBut I don't wanna have to go that farAnd I, I've got you down, I know you by heartAnd you don't even know where I start
Talk to yourself, talk to the tearsTalk to the man who put you hereAnd don't wait for the sky to clear
I'll leave my window open'Cause I'm too tired at night to call your nameOh, just know I'm right here hopin'That you'll come in with the rain
I've watched you so longScreamed your nameI don't know what else I can say
But I'll leave my window open'Cause I'm too tired at night for all these gamesJust know I'm right here hopin'That you'll come in with the rain
I could go back to every laughBut I don't wanna go there anymore


Eyes Open

Everybody's waitingEverybody's watchingEven when you're sleepingKeep your ey-eyes open
The tricky thingIs yesterday we were just childrenPlaying soldiersJust pretendingDreaming dreams with happy endingsIn backyards, winning battles with our wooden swordsBut now we've stepped into a cruel worldWhere everybody stands and keeps score
Keep your eyes open
Everybody's waiting for you to breakdownEverybody's watching to see the falloutEven when you're sleeping, sleepingKeep your ey-eyes openKeep your ey-eyes openKeep your ey-eyes open
So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guardEvery lesson forms a new scarThey never thought you'd make it this farBut turn around (turn around), oh they've surrounded youIt's a showdown (showdown) and nobody comes to save you now[ From: ]But you've got something they don'tYeah you've got something they don'tYou've just gotta keep your eyes open
Everybody's waiting for you to breakdownEverybody's watching to see the falloutEven when you're sleeping, sleepingKeep your ey-eyes openKeep your ey-eyes openKeep your ey-eyes
Keep your feet readyHeartbeat steadyKeep your eyes openKeep your aim lockedThe night goes darkKeep your eyes open
(Keep your eyes open [4x])
Everybody's waiting for you to breakdownEverybody's watching to see the falloutEven when you're sleeping, sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes openKeep your ey-eyes openKeep your ey-eyes openKeep your ey-eyes openKeep your ey-eyes open


Beautiful Eyes

Your beautiful eyesStare right into my eyesAnd sometimesI think of you late at nightI don't know why
I want to be somewhereWhere you areI want to be where
You're hereYour eyes are looking into mineSo baby, make me flyMy heart has never felt this way beforeI'm looking through yourI'm looking through your eyes
I wake up, I'm aliveIn only a little while I'll cry'Cause you're my lullabySo baby come, hold me tight'Cause I, I
I want to be everything you needI want to be where
You're hereYour eyes are looking into mineSo baby, make me flyMy heart has never felt this way beforeI'm looking through yourI'm looking through your eyes
Just as long as you're mineI'll be your everything tonightLet me love you, kiss youBaby, let me miss you
Let me see yourDream aboutDream aboutDream about your eyesEyes, eyes, beautiful eyes



Tall, dark and super manlyPuts papers in his briefcase and drives awayTo save the world or go to workIt's the same thing to me
He's got his mother's eyes, his father's ambitionI wonder if he knows how much that I miss himI hang on every word you say
You'll smile and say "How are you?"And I'll say, "Just fine"I always forget to tell you I love youI'll love you forever
I watched Superman fly awayYou've got a busy day todayGo save the worldI'll be around
I watched Superman fly awayCome back, I'll be with you somedayI'll be right here on the groundWhen you come back down
Tall, dark and beautifulHe's complicated, he's irrationalBut I hope someday he'll take me awayAnd save the day, yeah
Something in his deep brown eyes has me sayingHe's not all bad like his reputationAnd I can't hear one single word they say
And you'll leave, got places to beAnd I'll be okayI always forget to tell you I love youI loved you from the very first day
I watched Superman fly awayYou've got a busy day todayGo save the worldI'll be around
And I watched Superman fly awayCome back, I'll be with you somedayI'll be right here on the groundWhen you come back down
And I watch you fly around the worldAnd I hope you don't chase another girlDon't forget, don't forget about me
I'm far away, but I'll never let you goI'm lovestruck and looking out the windowDon't forget, don't forget where I'll be
Right here wishing the flowers were from youWishing the card was from youWishing the call was from you'Cause I've loved you from the very first day
I watched Superman fly awayYou've got a busy day todayGo save the worldI'll be around forever and ever
I watched Superman fly awayI swear, I'll be with you somedayI'll be right here on the groundWhen you come back down
Come back down


I'd Lie

I don't think that passenger seatHas ever looked this good to meHe tells me about his nightAnd I count the colors in his eyes
He'll never fall in love he swearsAs he runs his fingers through his hairI'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrongAnd I don't think it ever crossed his mindHe tells a joke I fake a smileThat I know all his favorite songs and
I could tell you his favorite colors greenHe loves to argue, born on the seventeenthHis sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyesAnd if you ask me if I love him, I'd lie
He looks around the roomInnocently overlooks the truthShouldn't a light go on?Doesn't he know I've had him memorized for so long?
He sees everything black and whiteNever let nobody see him cryI don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine
I could tell you his favorite colors greenHe loves to argue, born on the seventeenthHis sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyesAnd if you ask me if I love him, I'd lie
He stands there then walks awayMy God, if I could only sayI'm holding every breathe for you
He'd never tell you but he can play guitarI think he can see through everything but my heartFirst thought when I wake up is, "My god, he's beautiful"So I put on my make up and pray for a miracle
Yes, I could tell you his favorite colors greenHe loves to argue oh and it kills meHis sisters beautiful he has his father's eyesAnd if you asked me if I love himIf you ask me if I love him, I'd lie

Fakta Menarik Seputar Permen Karet

Permen karet merupakan makanan yang sangat digemari masyarakat. Permen karet berasal dari Amerika, terbuat dari getah pohon atau damar gliserin yang ditambah larutan gula, peppermint dan bahan lainnya, kemudian diaduk dan dipress.

Nah, marilah kita menganalisa manfaat dan kerugian mengunyah permen karet.

Manfaat mengunyah permen karet:
1. Menyegarkan bau mulut, terutama bagi yang suka mengonsumsi makanan beraroma keras seperti bawang merah dan bawang putih. Permen karet sangat efektif untuk menetralisir bau tersebut.

2. Permen karet dapat melekat erat, sehingga dapat membersihkan sisa-sisa makanan pada permukaan gigi. Sering mengunyahnya dapat meningkatkan produksi air liur yang dapat membersihkan rongga mulut dan gigi dengan lebih baik, sehingga resiko terbentuknya plak-plak gigi dapat dikurangi.

3. Ketika mengunyah permen karet, rongga mulut berulang-ulang melakukan gerakan menggigit, ini memperlancar aliran darah di bagian wajah, dan juga melatih otot-otot untuk mengunyah dan menggigit.

Hasil penelitian seorang ahli dari Amerika, mengunyah permen karet setiap hari selama 15 menit dapat bermanfaat bagi kecantikan.

Kerugian mengunyah permen karet
1. Pada waktu mengunyah permen karet, gula tinggal di dalam rongga mulut dalam waktu lama, maka bakteri dalam rongga mulut akan merubah gula menjadi asam yang akan mengurai kalsium gigi (email gigi) sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan pada gigi.

Para ahli menganjurkan agar memilih permen karet xylitol sebagai pengganti gula, karena xylitol memiliki rasa dan nilai gizi yang sama dengan gula, namun tidak dapat difermentasi menjadi asam sehingga aman untuk gigi.

2. Hasil riset di Swiss menunjukan, sering mengunyah permen karet dapat merusak bahan tambalan gigi. Oleh sebab itu bagi seseorang yang menggunakan tambalan gigi dengan bahan air raksa sebaiknya jangan mengunyah permen karet.

Karena mengunyah permen karet dapat mengurai senyawa air raksa tersebut, yang dapat meningkatkan jumlah kandungan air raksa dalam darah dan air kemih. Kelebihan zat tersebut dapat berpe ngaruh negatif terhadap otak, susunan syaraf pusat dan ginjal.

3. Anak-anak yang mengunyah permen karet dalam waktu lama, kemungkinan besar akan mempunyai kebiasaan menggertakkan gigi pada saat tidur karena otot-otot mulut dalam keadaan tegang, sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kualitas tidur mereka.

Para ahli menyarankan agar anak-anak tidak mengunyah permen karet lebih dari 3-4 kali sehari dan tidak melampaui 10-15 menit.

4. Sering mengunyah permen karet bagi para remaja dapat berisiko memiliki bentuk wajah segi empat, karena otot-otot rahang mungkin terlalu terlatih sehingga sangat cepat pertumbuhannya.

Lalat Cari Alkohol jika Ditolak Pasangan

Pernahkah merasa patah hati ditolak orang yang dicintai dan akhirnya melampiaskan kekecewaan dengan mabuk-mabukan dengan minuman beralkohol? Tak cuma manusia, lalat buah pun kalau ditolak pasangan mencari alkohol.

Studi terbaru yang dipublikasikan di jurnal Science bahwa lalat buah jantan yang ditolak oleh betina akan mengonsumis makanan yang mengandung alkohol lebih banyak.
Lalat Buah (Drosophila melanogaster)

Demikian kesimpulan hasil penelitian Galit Shohat Ophir dan rekannya dari Howard Hughes Medical Institute di Virginia, AS melakukan sebuah penelitian di laboratorium Ulrike Heberlein, Universitas California di San Diego.

Dalam penelitian itu, Ophir mengelompokkan lalat buah jantan menjadi dua grup. Grup pertama ditempatkan di kotak penuh lalat betina perawan yang siap dikawini. Sementara, lalat grup kedua ditempatkan di box dengan lalat yang sudah dikawini sehingga cenderung menolak ajakan kawin.

Peneliti menemukan bahwa grup pejantan yang ditolak memakan makanan yang mengandung 15 persen alkohol, sementara grup lain menghindari. Menurut Ophir, lalat buah memilih alkohol untuk memberi penghargaan atas dirinya walau ditolak.

Perilaku tersebut dikendalikan oleh senyawa dalam otak yang disebut neuropeptida F (NPF). Berdasarkan penelitian, lalat buah jantan yang gagal kawin memiliki level NPF yang lebih rendah.

"Ini semua membuat kita berpikir bahwa otak lalat buah, dan juga mungkin hewan lain dan manusia, memiliki sistem kontrol untuk memberi penghargaan internal, bahwa jika penghargaan internal turun maka akan diikuti dengan perilaku yang akan mengembalikannya lagi," kata Ophir seperti dikutip BBC.

Senyawa mirip NPF sebenarnya juga ditemukan pada manusia, disebut Neuropeptida Y. Namun, efek zat itu pada perilaku manusia belum bisa dijelaskan dengan gamblang.


You were in college working part time waiting tablesLeft a small town, never looked backI was a flight risk with a fear of fallingWondering why we bother with love if it never lasts
I say can you believe it?As we're lying on the couchThe moment I could see itYes, yes, I can see it now
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water?You put your arm around me for the first timeYou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterYou are the best thing that's ever been mine
Flash forward and we're taking on the world togetherAnd there's a drawer of my things at your placeYou learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guardedYou say we'll never make my parents' mistakes
But we got bills to payWe got nothing figured outWhen it was hard to takeYes, yes, this is what I thought about
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water?You put your arm around me for the first timeYou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterYou are the best thing that's ever been mine
Do you remember all the city lights on the water?You saw me start to believe for the first timeYou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterYou are the best thing that's ever been mine
And I remember that fight, 2:30 a.m.As everything was slipping right out of our handsI ran out crying and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the goodbye'Cause that's all I've ever knownThen you took me by surpriseYou said I'll never leave you alone
You said I remember how we felt sitting by the waterAnd every time I look at you, it's like the first timeI fell in love with a careless man's careful daughterShe is the best thing that's ever been mine
Hold on, make it lastHold on, never turn backYou made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughterYou are the best thing that's ever been mine
Do you believe it?We're gonna make it nowI can see itI can see it now


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